Sakhi's Laghukatha

Mrinal and Saaras

Posted on: March 1, 2011

Mrinal inhaled deeply, she loved freshly baked cake aroma. She peeked from the transparent oven door and sniffed again. This one was his favourite, chocolate cake. She was sure he would love it. She smiled to herself. Today was their “friendship anniversary” and she wanted to surprise Saaras on their special day.

“How time flies…” Mrinal thought wistfully. It was two years since they first met at the contemporary painting exhibition. They hit off instantly. They were different and yet there was something special that bound them. After that first meeting they met again at a few more shows and their friendship deepened. For Mrinal he was a wave of fresh air. She loved listening to his ideas. It was not that she agreed to everything that he said but Saaras’ passion for art and culture drew her closer to him. She loved their good natured banter. Sometimes Mrinal’s husband too would join them but mainly he was happy to see his wife getting a friend with whom she could share her love for art, who understood her world of colours. Mrinal loved spending time with Saaras. There was something magical about their togetherness. It was difficult to give a name to their relationship. Friendship was the milder and more acceptable term. Though their feelings ran deeper than mere friendship, there was not even one instance where anyone can point fingers at them.

Mrinal was awakened from her reverie with a beep from oven indicating that the cake was ready. She took it out, looked at it and smiled again. She looked at the clock and rushed to get ready. She wanted to be at Saaras’ place before he was back from work. She wore a beautiful peacock blue saree, looked at herself in the mirror and was happy with what she saw. A small bindi between her brows made her babyish face look even more beautiful. There was no other make-up needed.

Saaras was already home when she reached and was surprised to see Mrinal. She enthusiastically wished him “Happy Friendship Anniversary” and smiled broadly. Saaras smile at her childish exuberance but he seemed miles away. Mrinal sensed that there was something wrong but shook the doubt out of her mind and went on gushing about how happy she was. She proudly showed the cake she had baked and went on to get the knife. She had even got candles for them to blow together. She set the cake on the table and called Saaras to cut it with her. Mrinal offered him a piece of cake out of her hand and hugged him with childlike ebullience.

Instead of his usual friendly hug, his arms tightened around her waist. He drew her closer and held tightly. Mrinal looked up into his eyes and was taken aback at the emotions that lurked there. She tried to wriggle out of his embrace. She freed herself and looked at Saaras with a questioning look, almost accusing him.

“What happened Saaras?” Mrinal asked more for herself than him.

Rather than answering her, he went and sat at the edge of sofa with his head in his palms. He looked miffed. Mrinal was surprised at his reaction and went to sit beside him. He got up with a jolt and looked at Mrinal again with unfathomable expressions.

“What happened Saaras?” Mrinal asked again, a little scared.

Something snapped in Saaras.

“What is all this Mrinal? You are a married woman. All these talks of friendship and platonic love are nothing but bullshit. This is nothing but lust. And when I hold you, you look at me as if I have committed some crime!” Saaras shouted.

Looking at Mrinal’s mortified face, Saaras regained his senses. He swore under his breath and went to Mrinal, to hold her, to appease her, to ask for her forgiveness for his callousness. Once again she looked in Saaras’ eyes with her own moist ones. She got up and went out of his home, without looking back!

“If only you knew, how much I love you, Mrinal!” Saaras sighed longingly after her.

May be one day they will be together again, like old days… may be not!

23 Responses to "Mrinal and Saaras"

seems to me like it was one-sided.. love ruins good friendships! 😦


No Anubha, by the look of it, even Mrinal loved him but probably not “in love with” him. Also not always it is necessary to have romanticised love as the end product!!

I would wish that such beautiful friendships should not be ruined for one slip-up like this.

But at the same time Saaras could have been more cautious in lashing out and calling his love, lust!!


I think one slip up ruins the platonic nature of any such friendship. the trust of platonism is ruined by the knowledge that for one person it is something different.


Hmmmm. If I can, I would tell Saaras,”Dude!! Control…. if a girl likes you, it does not necessarily mean she wants you…” 😐


What suda… your comment looks like it’s out of your own life!! 😉 😛



I have always felt that it is very difficult to maintain a platonic relationship. However practical the couple might be but at least one does go un-platonic!! However I have shared few platinic relationships which are for keep *touchwood*

Nice story!


It might be difficult to maintain a platonic relationship but I too share such special and wonderful platonic friendships that are for keep! 😀

*touchwood* for me too! 😀 😀


I don’t believe it!!
How can anyone think of anything else but sink one’s teeth into his object of lust… when it is right in front of you esp so when it is freshly baked 😛

What a stupid character this Saraas is…incredible!

And this Mrinal too… her babyish thinking (and babyish face 🙂 ), draping a blue saree was a sure way to bring things to a head >.<

Sigh… a d u l t s !


by the comment of yours, i gather you did not like the story much 🙂


It stated off splendidly…but the ending was abrupt 😦

May be Mrinal was afraid she would spill her beans too 😛


Probably 🙂


Trust is such…one lost, we realize its value and how everything had stood on it.


Yup … true, but sometimes the other emotions take over, later a person might regret but damage is done!


it ended rather abruptly. and well, a lot of friendships break because of these emotions 😀


Probably its not the end of their friendship but yes of this story for sure 🙂


The end was as abrupt as the relationship. Wish life was least complicated when it comes to friendship.


Relationship was not abrupt if we see those two years… but prolly yes, i could have given a smooth landing 🙂


OOH. It was like hitting a spead breaker at high speed-the ending did sound adrupt, but that’s exactly why it also sounded so true. So real.


Thanks yaar! I was beginning to wonder that whether it was really that abrupt!! 😆

😀 😀


ur stories give the feel of deja vu.
they seem 2 be fictionalised account of real events.
aftr reading ur stories, it feels that i know ur characters 4m this n othr stories too.
needless 2 say nice story 🙂


That means, ET, I make my characters REAL… that’s a huge compliment!! 😛

And there might be a few stories where I have taken up some characters from the real life, most of the stories are complete fiction!

Thanks for the compliments though!!!


I dont think, SAKHI, ur stories r fiction.
I feel they start with real incidents or REAL people, midway thru story fiction creeps in.
And stories end in ways u want REAL events to end or u fear they may end up in a particular way.


That’s exactly what fiction is made of!! 🙄


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